Friday, October 11, 2013

VillaWare V5100 Classic Ice Cream & Gelato Maker, Electric

It's too bad!
I've read all the reviews and will give you some real concrete reasons not to buy this. I didn't expect this product to do all of the work for me and I understand the reasoning behind some of the directions, such as cooling the mixture before pouring it into the freezing bowl (the bowl will thaw out if you don't!!!!!!!!)I received this and a Cuisinart ice cream maker as gifts at the same time. I decided to keep the VillaWare since I Knew they made industrial machines. I made three batches in my VillaWare, one ice cream, one non-dairy "ice cream" and one sorbet. I just kept thinking "Is this really how it should look?". I was following all of the directions (which aren't as big of a hassle as some would make them out to be!) and I ended up with mildly frozen slush which I had to put in the freezer to make it even remotely firm enough to eat. So, I broke out the Cuisinart that I was going to return and made the exact same sorbet recipe that I had made the previous day. Good...

Seems to be a great deal
This ice cream maker is advertised on other sites for 2 or 3 times as much. The price I paid was a great deal....but it wouldn't be if it didn't work. Well, I made a little spot in my FREEZER (not my refridgerator freezer) and left the bowl. I've decided that I will store in in the freezer to be ready at all times we LOVE ice cream. This machine did a great job in little time and with virtually no effort on my part. I made the "soft" icecream but there was about 1 cup left in the freezer bowl. By the time the dishes were done,this was frozen into hard ice cream.We packed it into a container, but my husband couldn't resist and ate that too so I don't know how it keeps.
I made some delicious lower fat,lower sugar pistachio ice cream yesterday as we ate dinner. By the time we were finished,dessert was ready and it was delicious. I'll give you my recipe as it might help some that are having problems.
3/4 cup skim milk ricotta cheese
2 1/4 cups 2% milk
1 4...

Works fine for me
I got this thing about a week ago, and so far, I'm happy with it.

It makes excellent ice cream. I didn't use the recipe they have in the manual, I used the one that they made on Food Network's "Good Eats" and it came out perfect. The trick (well, not really a trick, it's very well documented in the manual) is make sure the bowl is very well frozen, and the mixture is very well refrigerated. After the 30 minutes or so in the machine, I put it in one of those 1 quart plastic chinese take-out soup containers, freeze overnight, and it's done. Sure, it's easier to go out and buy a pint of Ben and Jerry's, but that's not the point.

The reason it didn't get the full five stars is becuase I have yet to produce a decent sorbet. My first attempt resulted in a product that resembled a half frozen lime slurpee. This was probably due to not freezing the bowl enough the first time. The second attempt resulted in practically an ice block of apple juice. I'm sure there's a trick...

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