First hand comparison of 3 ice cream makersCOMPARISON:
Cuisinart Automatic 1.5 qt
the Rival Gel Canister, and the
Rival Electric 4&6 qt ice
I have had quite the experience with ice cream makers lately and am happy to pass on my own comparison.
I actually bought the Rival Electric 6qt ice on a whim when I passed by it in the store. This is the same one as the 4qt. ice cream maker that uses rock salt and ice, just larger. (I know it's the same because the inlaws have the 4qt. It was on sale at Wal-Mart and even cheaper than Amazon.
I then exchanged the above ice cream maker, after issues I will get to, for the Rival Gel.
You'll notice, however, I have the "verified purchase stamp" on my review of the Cuisinart 1.5 qt automatic ice cream maker. That's because I gave up with Rival after continued problems with my first two ice cream makers and ordered the Cuisinart from Amazon. It's a keeper. However, you may actually prefer one of the other ones I used more if your needs...
Not perfect, but a nice product!We purchased this ice cream maker a week ago, so far so good!
The Pro's:
It's inexpensive- $29.99 at our local target.
It's small. This means easy to store! I have a small kitchen with limited cabinet space and you can store the base in the freezer.
It's quick- only 10-20 minutes of mixing and the ice cream is done.
The Con's:
It's small. Small is good when it comes to storage, but not so good for capacity. It makes a quart- that's all! This is perfect for us though, being a family of three. Two or three small scoops each and there's even enough left to store in the freezer.
It's not "hard" like store bought ice cream when it's fresh from the mixer. You have to put it in the freezer for an hour of two to harden. We don't mind, but some might so I am mentioning it here! :)
You have to plan ahead: Some of the recipes require mixing the ingredients and refrigerating them. Also, you have to freeze the...
Get what you pay forIt's really loud, and after 20 minutes the motor overheats and stops--and that's when the ice cream was still liquid! (The instruction manual says this is a safety feature; you have to wait 20 more minutes for it to cool down and then you can restart). It did that twice--again, while the ice cream was still liquid. What on earth is it going to do when it's thick like ice cream is supposed to be? You should pay a little more for something of higher quality. I'm taking this back.
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